Virtual Dinner Party No. 12 – With an Apple and Honey Pancake Gâteau from 1973!

Robin BoyleAustralian, Dessert, Dinner, Dinner Party, Fish & Seafood, French, General Interest, Latin American, Main course, Poultry, Vegetables

(Update: For VDP No. 13, click here) Coronavirus Lockdown Mid-September in Melbourne 2020 and we are still in lock down, possibly until mid-October. We are largely confined to our homes. Country Victoria has fewer restrictions, while the other states of Australia have resumed fairly normal lives and lifestyles. We were pleased when our Adelaide friends were in contact to organise …

A Tassie Dinner Party – In July!

Robin BoyleDinner Party, General Interest, Latin American, Photos: Food, Salad, The Cottage, Vegetables, Wine

Tasmania does get cold, let’s be honest. So entertaining at Olive’s Cottage in winter has to be done inside where there is limited seating and the cooking is done just a metre or two away from the dining table. Recently we had a dinner party for four of our family members on a Saturday night in July. At one stage, …

Seafood via Adelaide

Robin BoyleAdelaide & SA, Australia Mainland, Entree, Fish & Seafood, Indian & Sri Lankan, International, Latin American, Main course, Recipe, Soup

We visited Adelaide in February and had three superlative fish and seafood dishes – one cooked by our friends and two others at restaurants. We have managed to obtain all three recipes, including the two from the restaurant chefs! The recipes are some of the best examples of their type that we have come across. In particular, if you have …

Pesto, Salsa Verde, Chimichurri – Three essential green sauces

Robin BoyleItalian, Italy, Latin America, Latin American, Recipe, Sauce: Savoury

(Continued from Our Herb Garden) In this post I am writing about herbs that could be classified as ‘soft herbs’, meaning leafy, salad-like herbs as distinct from the more pungent ‘hard leaf’ herbs like thyme, rosemary and bay leaves. Just now, in the second half of February, we have plenty of these in the garden. We have too much to …