Our Canadian friend, Roger, was staying with us for several days in Melbourne. He offered to cook for us one night and thus produced this delicious and very easy version of baked eggplant, a variation on parmigiana di melanzane (eggplant baked with Parmesan cheese). He served it with lemon flavoured pasta, which was a perfect foil for the richness of …
A January Dinner Party – For a Birthday!
Dinner parties are hard work if you try to do all the catering yourself. And they are made more daunting by the need to “perform”, given Australians’ growing knowledge and expectations about what is good food. Apart from working out a “modern” menu and doing the actual cooking, much time is also taken up doing the shopping, setting the table …
Europe 2016 – Part 8
Continued from Europe 2016 – Part 7. Genoa – An outstanding food destination The food, produce and restaurants in Genoa, and the region of Liguria, are remarkable by any standard. Any visitor will notice how eating is such a natural part of Genoese life, with a food culture driven not by mass tourism but by a discerning and engaged local …
Pesto, Salsa Verde, Chimichurri – Three essential green sauces
(Continued from Our Herb Garden) In this post I am writing about herbs that could be classified as ‘soft herbs’, meaning leafy, salad-like herbs as distinct from the more pungent ‘hard leaf’ herbs like thyme, rosemary and bay leaves. Just now, in the second half of February, we have plenty of these in the garden. We have too much to …