(Update: For VDP No. 7, click here) Coronavirus Lockdown With most of us in self-isolation or even total lockdown, a VDP (virtual dinner party) is one way to catch up with friends and to continue to test your cooking skills. We have now had a number of VDPs. Here is the link to the first of those: Virtual Dinner Party …
Olive’s Salmon Patties – An Easter Treat!
We weren’t a religious family, but our mother, Olive, would always make salmon patties (sometimes with tuna) for our evening meal on Good Friday. It was her excuse to make them – we loved them so much. While I had good recollection of the ingredients and how they were made, I had to resort to my sister, Jan, to fine …
Festive Season 2018 – Wrap Up!
On the last day of December 2018, with New Year’s Day pending, we thought a summary of some of our Christmas and New Year food experiences might be in order. The Lead Up Our local farmers’ market fell at the right time, mid-December. So we stocked up for pending functions. Our purchase of Swiss chard and baby leeks led us …
Salmon Rillettes – For Entree!
We aren’t advocating setting the table just yet, but early December is not too early to start thinking about Christmas. On Christmas Day, our job is to provide the entree. We already have our contribution planned, as explained below – salmon rillettes (rillettes aux deux saumons). Before then, there is still some work to do. Christmas Cake and Christmas Pudding …
What’s in the Fridge? No. 4
One of the problems with buying fresh herbs is that they generally come in large bunches which are way more than you need, or in tiny posies that are way too pricey for what you get. Ideally you would have an ample supply of all types of herbs in your garden. Standards like parsley, rosemary, thyme and oregano flourish throughout …
What’s in the Fridge? No. 1
We love to cook with leftovers or with what’s in the fridge or freezer or on the pantry shelves. Last week we were staying with friends on the Mornington Peninsula for the 2016 Peninsula Summer Music Festival. We hadn’t all synchonised which concerts we would be attending. On Wednesday evening some of us had a concert at 5.00 while our …