There has been lovely quality rhubarb in the markets over the last two months. Being under COVID-19 lock down restrictions much of that time has given us the chance to try new recipes. Here we give two rhubarb recipes that are terrific for morning or afternoon tea or as a dessert. Both last well in the fridge and both reheat …
Icelandic Rhubarb Cake – A Family Farmhouse Recipe!
Iceland is covered in ice! Well that perception needs to be debunked. It’s all rhubarb! Is it not perhaps the most amazing country on Earth! Even the food – like this remarkable cake – is full of surprises. The scenery Yes, there is a lot of snow in Iceland, and the weather is cool, with July summer temperatures only averaging …
The Humble Crumble – The Best Dessert Ever?
Crumbles are the standby dessert for us, one of our signature dishes. They are so easy yet so delicious. I would almost go to say they are the best dessert ever! We use a very simple topping, using just flour, sugar and butter. We find it gives as good a result, if not better, than tizzied up toppings made from …
As Easy As … No. 1
“It’s a piece of (cheese)cake!” For a long time I thought the expression “as easy as pie” referred to the act of making a pie. That, of course, never made sense to me as I have generally found pies rather difficult to make, even mud ones. But then I discovered that the expression refers to the eating of a pie. …