Covid-19 lockdown has given everyone plenty of opportunities to experiment with their cooking, to go back to old favourites and to try out some of those recipes cut out from newspapers and magazines. Not everything we have tried has worked but we are generally very pleased rather than disappointed. In this post we include one our favourite standbys – pizzas …
As Easy As … No. 2
Meringue and Berries – A sublime summer combination There are endless recipes for meringues: from a single large one to numerous small ones, from plain to flavoured, to unadorned to magnificently garnished. I remember meringues from my childhood, not at home though, as my mother rarely made them, possibly because it was too difficult in her wood fired, cast iron …
As Easy As … No. 1
“It’s a piece of (cheese)cake!” For a long time I thought the expression “as easy as pie” referred to the act of making a pie. That, of course, never made sense to me as I have generally found pies rather difficult to make, even mud ones. But then I discovered that the expression refers to the eating of a pie. …