Christmas Sink Cake The Olive’s Kitchen recipe for Summer Fruit Cake is very versatile. You can modify the ingredients in many ways, keeping the key cake ingredients (dry and wet) to roughly the same proportions. The fruit, including the apple, can be varied according to what you have on hand. The recipe came in handy before Christmas for Rhonda’s family’s …
Chicken – With Mango Vinaigrette And Coriander Butter!
This post is from an article we wrote for Club Marine magazine in 1997. The food shots date from that period too. We think this recipe has as much appeal today – 2018 – as it did when it was first created. (Use the Print button at the top of this page for a hard copy or pdf of the …
Made At Home – No. 3
In reading the contents of this post, also check: Food Safety Is Paramount It makes sense that dill pickles should involve dill. However, the key ingredient is the seed, not the herb part. While green dill is relatively easy to find, the seeds can be difficult to track down. You might have more luck finding a packet of pickling spices …