Chicken Roasted on Baguette Slices – Deconstructed roast chook

Robin BoyleAustralian, Main course, Poultry, Recipe

Move over Chicken in a Basket. Bring on Chicken à Baguette! Of course “Chicken à Baguette” makes no sense, English-wise nor French-wise, but it sums up this butterflied chicken cooked with aromatics and herbs over slices of baguette. The crunchy baguette slices are the really yummy feature, making this method worth a try and giving a result more delicious than …

An Afternoon Feast

Robin BoyleLunch, Poultry, Recipe, Salad, Tasmania, Tassie Businesses & Attractions, The Cottage, Vegetables, Wine

(Continued from: Preparations for a Long Lunch) Back at Windermere after the cheese and vegies pickup, we had forty-five minutes or so before our friends arrived. Final preparation A quick check of the chicken in the oven showed all looked fine. The broccoli shoots and silver beet were quickly trimmed, washed and shaken dry. The white turnips peeled like a …