Burnt Vegetables! Part 3

Robin BoyleLaunceston, Restaurant-Cafe, Vegetables

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Continued from: Burnt Vegetables! Part 2

Geronimo Aperitivo Bar and Restaurant is a relatively new establishment in Launceston, serving very interesting food and wine. Under General Manager, Jeremy Kode, its operation is one of restrained sophistication. This article from the Qantas Travel Insider magazine is worth a read. It reports that “… Geronimo Aperitivo Bar & Restaurant is not only a revelation of design – weathered Tasmanian oak meets Italian furniture, Austrian glassware and Israeli ceramic lights – but also a revelation of culinary excellence …“. Qantas Travel Insider. One of the photos include Geronimo’s unforgettable lamb ribs!

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On both of our visits to date we have ordered ‘charred brassicas’ (vegetables in the broccoli-cauliflower family)!

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Their method of ‘burning’ these types of vegetables is different to that used by Francis Mallman explained in the earlier post.

On our first visit we asked our waiter if the chef could provide us with the recipe. She returned soon after with the following instructions, more a method than a recipe. The vegetables are very easy to do but give a lovely result.

Charred Brassicas

Use whatever vegetables you have from the brassicas group, adjusting the quantities as required:

  • Cut thin to thick slices of cauliflower, broccolini, broccoli or Brussels sprouts
  • Par boil for a few minutes
  • Drain well
  • Using no oil or fat, dry fry in a hot pan or skillet until charred, turning once
  • When almost cooked, add good olive oil to moisten
  • Add chopped garlic and sliced red chilli and season with salt and pepper.
  • Serve.

The following photo shows the vegetables after being par boiled. The next two show the results after charring.

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